potassium hydroxide ((KOH)) Test


this test used to diagnosis fungal infection of the skin ,hairs and nails


Dermatophyte is a fungus cause disease of the skin as ring worm
Thrush : is adisease of the mouth caused by candida .albicans charactarized with whitich growth and ulcers


a-) the sample of the skin scraped with ascalpe blad
b-) transfer the sample on glass slide
c-) added 2-3 drops of KOH
D-) warm the slide
e-) stand for 5 minutes in order to dissolve skin cells
f-) examine under microscope


A-) KOH mixed with blue- black dye is added to sample from the infected tissue, this mixture makes it easier to see Dermatophytes or yeast under microscope
KOH dissolve the cells and dyes give the color, this step is optional

b-) sputum smear KOH test
this test to investigate the presence of fungal infection in the sputum sample

A small amount is lightly smeared onto a microscope slide and mixed with potassium hydroxide (KOH). The slide is examined under the microscope and checked for fungus parts.
جميعا يعلم بأن صبغة جرام تستخدم للتفريق بين
gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria ولكن هل تعلم بان KOH TEST يقوم بنفس العملية ولكن يا ترى ما هو الأساس الذي يقوم علية في التفريق بينهما ساترك هذا السؤال لسيادتكم